The need for comprehensive financial planning, not just advice recently featured a post discussing the value of a comprehensive financial planning strategy, instead of just advice. The article by Lee Barney, discusses the full context of financial and life circumstances that should play a central role in financial planning. Padden Financial Planning’s Sheila Padden offered her unique perspective on this subject as a Board Member for the Alliance of Comprehensive Planners (ACP), an organization of holistic fee-only financial planners.  [More]

Notre Dame Mendoza School of Business Financial Planning Workshop Presentation

I recently presented a Financial Planning Workshop in Chicago for Notre Dame Women Connect sponsored by Notre Dame Mendoza School of Business. We had a great turnout, with 80 registered and 50 attending! There were lots of questions, note taking and a line afterwards for more information. Check out the photos!


Quoted in Kiplinger Article about Financial Advice Options and Pricing

I was recently quoted at Kiplinger’s website in an article about the types of financial planning advice available to investors – and how pricing for those services works. A variety of planning service types are discussed in the article, with a description of the unique value that a fee-only financial planner provides. There’s even a helpful “flowchart” infographic that summarizes your options. [More]